0805 4002 682; 0803 5288 123  /  info@mediarangeltd.com    / Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm

Result-driven communication
solutions for everyone.

Creating customised strategies that align with your objectives and the marketplace

Strategic counsel, effective implementation

We take pride in delivering strategic communication counsel and efficient implementation of solutions across the following areas of our discipline

Brand management

We build and manage audience-winning personalities for commercial and non-commercial organisations achieving differentiation by creating noise-cutting visual and mental identities.

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Public Relations

Developing communication assets that help private and public organisations, and non-profits engage with their publics in effective ways through bespoke strategy development, execution and stakeholder engagement.

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Marketing Communications

Provide an integrated mix of communication to support clients' organisational product/service marketing efforts building on a tradition of creativity, commercial awareness and audience research

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New Media

Ranging from new media audits and strategy development to full campaign implementation, our approach to crafting and deploying your digital presence takes advantage of cohesive strategies that ensure value is created for your brand through these channels.

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About us

About us

We are dedicated to our principal services of providing communications solutions that meet client needs
We understand that to implement solutions that meet our clients’ needs, each element of the process must originate from a shared understanding of the objectives to be accomplished

Our mission

Why do we get out of bed every morning?

What drives us every single day?

To ensure our clients always succeed by providing them with the right communication support.

The truth is we win when we help you win.

And because we like winning, we put in a lot of passion into making sure our solutions for our clients rock!

Offline page

Sample Image Praesent quis orci tellus. Proin sed augue ac sapien fermentum luctus ut vitae urna. Sed consectetur semper ligula in auctor. In quis dui condimentum elit vehicula tristique. Quisque fermentum volutpat mi at dignissim. In convallis, metus eu euismod blandit, purus dolor congue justo, eu porta ipsum enim a est. Vivamus nec arcu nulla, vitae lobortis nulla.

Quisque luctus, libero eget rutrum mollis; tellus mi vestibulum nisl, eget imperdiet mi neque at nunc. Etiam leo mauris, eleifend in tincidunt eu, tempor pulvinar nisl. Morbi vitae nulla sed arcu sagittis iaculis lacinia ut felis. Pellentesque aliquam, purus id dignissim fringilla, augue odio tempus augue, in porttitor felis ipsum eget magna. Etiam aliquam sapien non velit pulvinar auctor?

Donec condimentum dui et ipsum sagittis nec feugiat felis tempor. Phasellus nibh turpis, scelerisque vel semper eget, egestas id lorem. Morbi pretium, lorem ut bibendum blandit, lorem mi gravida arcu, eu consectetur justo erat vitae ante. Nunc ornare nunc feugiat metus ultricies eget blandit quam luctus. Duis metus sem, pulvinar a iaculis ac, eleifend et purus. Nunc tempus fringilla mi, eu eleifend tortor placerat eget.

Organisations we have worked for

We are grateful to these organisations
who trusted us with their communication projects.
Need to get in touch with us?
Call us now on +234-805-4002-682 or +234-803-5288-123
We are always here to talk to you.

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